Stability Ball Glute Bridge

This exercise is called the Stability Ball Glute Bridge. It targets the gluteus maximus muscle.

butt exercises

Start out by lying down on a floor mat with your knees bent and both feet flat on top of the stability ball. Flatten your lower back against the mat and place your arms out to your side with your hands flat on the floor for balance.

Begin the exercise by pressing your heels into the stability ball while raising your hips up until they’re fully extended, forming a bridge-like position.

Focus on using your glutes to raise your hips, rather than overcompensating by hyperextending  your lower back.

Pause at the top of the movement and squeeze your glutes then slowly lower your hips back to the starting position. The negative or downward phase of the glute bridge is just as important as the upward phase.

Ab Wheel Jackknife

This exercise is called the Ab Wheel Jackknife. It targets the rectus abdominis muscle.

ab exercises

Start out by getting down into a standard push up start position with your legs straight and both feet strapped into the power wheel.

Begin the exercise by pulling your knees in towards your chest by contracting your abs and flexing your hips and knees, forming a jackknife position.

Focus on using your abs to curl your torso rather than allowing your hip flexors to do all the work.

Return to the starting position by extending your hips and knees slowly while keeping tension on your abs.

Movements should be smooth and controlled and avoid  holding your breath.

Power Wheel Hamstring Curl

This exercise is called the Power Wheel Hamstring Curl.  It targets the hamstring muscles.
hamstring exercisesStart out by lying down flat on your back with your legs straight and both feet strapped into the power wheel. Place your arms out to your side with your hands flat on the floor for balance and raise your hips off the ground by contracting your glutes.

Begin the exercise by pulling your heels in towards your butt in a curling motion by flexing your knees.

Return to the starting position by extending your knees slowly while keeping tension on your hamstrings.

Keep your hips elevated throughout the entire movement and avoid hyperextending your lower back.